6 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Getting Traffic

So your website isn’t getting any traffic. Trust me, I understand how frustrating this can be. Lucky for you, I’m here to help you figure out why Google and other search engines seemingly hate you. You Didn’t Do the Research Whenever you start a new website or create new content, you need to conduct research. […]
How Long Does SEO Take?

When people ask me “How long will it take to see results from SEO”. I usually tell them 3-6 months. However, it isn’t that cut and dry. SEO takes time. It isn’t a “set it and forget it” thing. SEO isn’t like how it was several years ago where you can spam links on non-relevant […]
8 Ways to Drive Website Traffic

Getting traffic to your website can be difficult and it does take time. The first step is actually knowing the best ways to drive that website traffic. Here are 8 ways to drive traffic to your website: Create Good Content Have you ever heard the statement “Content is King”? It’s true. Without good content, you […]
4 Places to Find Free “Royalty-Free” Images

You’ve created this amazing blog post on, lets say, pizza (because I’m craving Pizza as I’m writing this). But,?it’s missing something. It’s missing…. images. The thing is, you can’t use just any image. The majority of images out there have licenses attached to them, meaning you can’t use it on your site without the appropriate […]
What is Digital Marketing?

So you had someone come up to from one of the digital marketing companies. They asked you “Do you have someone doing your digital marketing?” You?stare at them for a few seconds before saying “yes” just to get them to leave, but you really have no idea what it is. So, lets go over what […]
5 Ways To Get Your Business Noticed Online

If you have a business and are looking to create a strong online presence, here are 5 things that you can do: 1) Have a GOOD Website You may think this is super obvious to most people, but it isn?t. The number of companies that I come across that don?t have a website is staggering. […]